Acoustic Signature Typhoon Neo



Deck only price, tonearm priced separately

he Typhoon NEO knows almost no com­pro­mises! Prepa­red for 3 tone­arms and equip­ped with the second-highest expan­sion stages of our newest drive sys­tem and chas­sis techno­logies, this high mass turn­table will pro­duce high audio­phile waves – in the most posi­tive sense. It is abso­lutely clear to us: The overall perfor­mance of the Acoustic Signa­ture Typhoon NEO is at a level that will beat some of the world’s best and much more expen­sive turn­tables

Special features:

  • 3 integrated, completely insulated AC-motors
  • External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable multi-voltage power supply and innovative AVC technology level 2 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
  • Ultraprecise, extremely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)
  • Exclusive silencer technology with 24 silencer modules for platter vibration reduction
  • Massive aluminum chassis with CLD technology (Constraint Layer Damping) for significantly improved resonance behavior
  • RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
  • 3-point setup with special gel-damped feet

Technical data

AC-motors: 3
Drive system: RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
AVC: Level 2
Speed range: 33 1/3 RPM and
45 RPM
Power adapter: External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable power supply
(100 V – 260 V AC, 50 Hz.)
Optional: 24 V DC Input via XLR 5-pole connector
Control panel: External with flexible placement
Bearing: High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
Tone arm base: Up to 3 adjustable armboards
1 x designed to fit to customers tonearm
2 more armbases mountable (sold separately)
Tone arm compati­bility: 9 to 12 inch
Maximum number of tone arms: 3
Platter: Aluminum anodized
(Ø 310 x 50 mm / 13 kg),
with Silen­cer modules
Silencer: 24
Chassis: 75 mm aluminum alloy
Feet: 3 height-adjustable gel-damped aluminum feet
Dimen­sions (WxDxH): 450 x 460 x 190 mm
Weight: 35 kg

Additional information


Silver, Black