Acoustic Signature Hurricane Neo


Estimated current pricing based on US Exchange rate, final pricing may vary.
USD price: $12,995


Deck only price, tonearm priced separately

  • Our brand new Hurri­cane NEO repre­sents the entry into our multi-motor drive con­cept. The Acoustic Signa­ture Hurri­cane NEO lives up to its name in terms of dyna­mics and belies all those analog lovers who claim that a high mass turn­table can­not perform explosi­vely and with fine dyna­mics at the same time. The Hurri­cane NEO is pre­pa­red for 3 tone­arms – offering an enor­mous amount of flexi­bility and musi­cality with excep­tional value for the money. In short: Hurri­cane NEO is a Future Classic that will raise a lot of audio­phile dust!

    Special features:

    • 2 integrated, completely insulated AC-motors
    • External digital motor controller DMC-10 with super stable multi-voltage power supply and innovative AVC technology level 1 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
    • Ultraprecise, extremely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)
    • Exclusive silencer technology with 8 silencer modules for platter vibration reduction
    • Massive aluminum chassis with CLD technology (Constraint Layer Damping) for significantly improved resonance behavior
    • RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
    • 3-point setup with special gel-damped feet

    Technical data

    AC-motors: 2
    Drive system: RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
    AVC: Level 1
    Speed range: 33 1/3 RPM and
    45 RPM
    Power adapter: External digital motor controller DMC-10 with super stable power supply
    (100 – 260 V AC)
    Control panel: External with flexible placement
    Bearing: High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
    Tone arm base: Up to 3 adjustable armboards
    1 x designed to fit to customers tonearm
    2 more armbases mountable (sold separately)
    Tone arm compati­bility: 9 to 12 inch
    Maximum number of tone arms: 3
    Platter: Aluminum anodized
    (Ø 310 x 50 mm / 11 kg),
    with Silen­cer modules
    Silencer: 8
    Chassis: 50 mm aluminum alloy
    Feet: 3 height-adjustable gel-damped aluminum feet
    Dimen­sions (WxDxH): 450 x 460 x 175 mm
    Weight: 30 kg

Additional information


Silver, Black