Acoustic Signature Double X Neo


Estimated current pricing based on US Exchange rate, final pricing may vary.
USD price: $7,595


Deck only price, tonearm priced separately

With its elegant appea­rance, the Double X already delighted the hearts of many analo­gists around the world, because it stood for the perfect synthesis of ultra-modern techno­logy and classic design. Acoustic Signa­ture’s Double X NEO continues this tradi­tion and now elevates it to sound heights that no high mass turn­table in this price range has ever achieved!

Special features:

  • Quiet AC-motor with external, super stable multi-voltage power supply
  • Integrated digital motor controller
  • Innovative AVC technology level 1 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
  • Ultra­pre­cise, extre­mely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with dia­mond-coa­ted spindle (Dura Turn Dia­mond® Bearing)
  • Exclusive silencer tech­nology with 8 silencer modules for platter vibration reduction
  • CLD technology (Cons­traint Layer Dam­ping) for impro­ved reso­na­nce behavior

Technical data

AC-motors: 1 (integrated)
Drive system: RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment
AVC: Level 1
Speed range: 33 1/3 RPM and
45 RPM
Power adapter: Exter­nal power supply
(100 – 260 V AC)
Control panel: Integrated
Bearing: High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
Tone arm compati­bility: 9 inch tonearms
Maximum number of tone arms: 1
Platter: Alumi­num anodized
(Ø 300 x 50 mm / 10.3 kg),
with Silen­cer modules
Silencer: 8
Chassis: Massive 64 mm sandwich chassis made of MDF, steel & plywood
Feet: 3 height-adjustable gel-damped aluminum feet
Dimen­sions (WxDxH): 440 x 350 x 150 mm
Weight: ca. 24 kg

Additional information


Silver, Black