Magico Q5 Speakers
Magico LLC, the leader in high-performance loudspeaker design and manufacture, is
proud to announce the unveiling of its newest loudspeaker, the Magico Q5: a 5-
driver, 4-way floorstander housed in a fully-braced, fully-damped, aluminum and
brass, hard-anodized enclosure. The Q5 is the first Magico product to feature
complete in-house control of all design and build variables.
From the outside, the Q5’s form is indicative of its function—pure and simple, rigid
and unbiased. Although not significantly larger than our own V3, its total weight is
nearly 400 lbs. The enclosure, machined entirely from aluminum and brass at our
new facility, achieves a balance of mass and stiffness which had, up until now, been
prohibited by the cost associated with such an undertaking. Processed individually
to ensure coverage of every face and edge, each outer surface is first polished then
finished in our recognizable hard anodized finish. Magico has appointed Liquid Sound as their Dealer in Vancouver BC, Canada.
Magico Q5 loudspeaker

But while such materials have been used by some of the larger speaker makers, it’s unusual for a small enterprise such as Magico to go to the considerable expense of having proprietary cones made from these materials built to their specifications.
No magic in the Magico approach
Talking to Magico’s CEO and codesigner, Alon Wolf, I quickly realized he’s not interested in selling hocus-pocus, or the notion that Magico has reinvented the loudspeaker, or that the company is using new, mysterious materials—even if, like many other speaker designers, he’s inclined to assign catchy trademarked names like Nano-TecTM and BMRCTM to design innovations that are more evolutionary than revolutionary. In a Bose world, who can blame him?
Wolf was far happier explaining the computer modeling and real-time analysis he uses to simulate and measure his design ideas. He gladly divulged the names of the materials of which his drivers and baffles are made, and the construction techniques employed in those processes.
Examining any Magico speaker makes immediately clear that the designers’ intent seems to have been to take what’s well known and refine it to the outermost limits of current materials and design technology. In the case of the Q5, this begins with the aluminum box housing the high-tech drivers.
The Bay Area company began working with aluminum enclosures from its inception more than a decade ago, but the high costs of machining limited the metal’s use in real-world products. For its less expensive products, like the V3 reviewed by John Atkinson in May 2008, Magico builds cabinets of laminated birch plywood fronted by thick baffles of aircraft-grade aluminum, to which, as in all Magico speakers, the drivers are affixed from the rear. Wolf doesn’t like to see screws on baffles, or hear the artifacts that he claims are caused by diffraction around them. “Screws come loose and eventually can’t be properly tightened, and they don’t sound good around tweeters,” he insisted to me in his inimitably certain manner.
Magico recently bought a CNC machine shop, which has made it possible for them to bring the costs of working in aluminum in line with the retail prices they want to charge. Wolf says that aluminum provides ideal stiffness and mass, and is relatively easy to effectively damp without storing mechanical energy, and is thus far superior to medium-density fiberboard (MDF). Reducing flex-induced resonances in MDF requires extensive internal bracing—which can store mechanical energy of its own.
Each Q5 weighs 387 lbs. Machined of aluminum and brass, it must be seen from the inside to truly be appreciated. The cutaway version on display at the Consumer Electronics Show in January showed a complex internal structure of multiple, thick-walled chambers and 10 tubular truss rods that tightly secure the front baffle to the rear panel.
Some numbers: The frame system alone is assembled from more than 50 machined parts. One sidewall is perforated by nearly 100 threaded holes. More than 350 fasteners of various types are associated with the cabinet even before the front-baffle assembly is affixed to it. Assembling a pair of Q5s takes more than a week. Alon Wolf told me that, were it not for his acquisition of the CNC machine shop, the Q5 would cost closer to $120,000/pair. And without computer-controlled machining, bringing such a design to market would probably be nearly impossible. The outer, matte skin of anodized aluminum sports a pleasingly soft, muted finish available in a nearly infinite range of colors